Marathon Training - All You Need to Run Your Next Marathon
Posted on April 4, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
So, one of your goals this year is to run a marathon? This is a significant task and it'll take more than keeping fit and watching what you eat if you're seriously interested in achieving it.To prepare for this particular goal, you need to have a well thought out and coherent program which will bring you slowly to the ideal fitness levels.This is true for all fitness level you're at.So how do you go about training for a marathon?Well the best advice for doing so is to split down your training into different phases...
Adapt Your Bodybuilding Routines for Your Body Type
Posted on March 20, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
It is rather obvious that no two individuals beings are the exact same, thus it should come as no surprise that different folks will need to train in different ways and have different bodybuilding routines.Among the primary factors that can allow you to become a successful bodybuilder is to understand your own body, to comprehend what your limitations are and to love how your body will react under pressure...
Simple Tips for Starting Competitive Bodybuilding
Posted on February 9, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
As a bodybuilder you should be aiming to enter the competitive bodybuilding region and showcase your body in a bodybuilding gym, particularly given the amount of time, money and effort you're putting into your practice.Competitive bodybuilding fitness competitions take place all around the world and exhibit some of the best, athletic bodies on Earth.Each contest has numerous categories and levels, so even if you're still a novice it's still possible to find a competition that's at your level...
A Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding - The Basics
Posted on January 22, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
As a newcomer to bodybuilding there are only a few basics you will need to know before you head off down head the gym to begin training to make certain you maximize the effects of your workouts and decrease the risks of injury.One of the biggest mistakes a lot of people do when they're starting out in bodybuilding is to neglect to perform any research and thus they don't find the results they need, so if you're reading this you're a step ahead of the game...
Jogging And Your Knees
Posted on December 1, 2022 by Cecil Rivas
Running is possibly the most common and functional exercise that anyone can be do anytime and anyplace.Statistics shows that more people jogs or runs more than individuals going to aerobic courses or visits the gym.However, do these joggers know that running is in fact a high impact exercise to get their knees?The knee is a very complex joint.It features the articulation between the thigh and leg (tibia and femur) and the knee cap (patella)...