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Tag: performance

Articles tagged as Performance

Do You Want To Run Like a Gazelle?

Posted on October 4, 2024 by Cecil Rivas
If you want to run just like a gazelle, all you have to is really a whopping great big lion to chase you later on.If you would like motivation like this, then just begin at the front end line of a large city race of tens of thousand runners.The gun goes off and every gazelle in leading line runs because of their life because the herd chases them down.One stumble and fall and the following point they'll feel may be the trampling of thousands of dollars worth of expensive jogging shoes that triumph by running straight over their humiliated heads...

Cons of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport

Posted on April 7, 2024 by Cecil Rivas
There are numerous of cons related to performance enhancing drugs in sports.Performance enhancing drugs are simply just not going away - actually they appear to be getting ultimately more popular because they have more advanced.For anybody with an intention in sport, drugs will still be a way to obtain discussion and distress.Are they well worth it? Can they help us achieve our dreams? What would happen easily took them? So far as I could see, five of the very most important cons of performance enhancing drugs are:Who ever takes these drugs to be remembered as more competitive have just missed the idea of the activity...

Barefoot Running - Is it For You?

Posted on June 21, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
In an age of expensive shoes and broken glass on streets, barefoot running is really a rare sight.But, more coaches and trainers are embracing barefoot training because of their runners and today recreational athletes, sick and tired of expensive shoes and lower extremities injuries, are picking right up with this new trend.It really is not new, as folks have been running barefoot since way back when...