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Barefoot Running - Is it For You?

Posted on June 21, 2023 by Cecil Rivas

In an age of expensive shoes and broken glass on streets, barefoot running is really a rare sight. But, more coaches and trainers are embracing barefoot training because of their runners and today recreational athletes, sick and tired of expensive shoes and lower extremities injuries, are picking right up with this new trend. It really is not new, as folks have been running barefoot since way back when. So, why are most of us paying high dollar for cloth and rubber to surround our feet? Are shoes the issue or the answer? Most are not in agreement about barefoot running and the debate between barefoot proponents, coaches, trainers, runners and podiatrists is completely swing.


Barefoot proponents declare that the shod foot (foot enclosed in a shoe) becomes weak as time passes when it's constricted. In addition they claim that your body struggles to sense the bottom and adapt appropriately. This inability to sense and adapt appropriately results in injury. Your body spends more energy when running in a shoe, than when running barefoot. Some runners declare that the few scratches on the feet were significantly less painful compared to the blisters they as a rule have to cope with following a half or full marathon.


The scientific evidence supporting barefoot running is lacking. Several small studies have supported barefoot running. One study in the inner Journal of Sports Medicine discovered that there's actually less effect on your feet while running barefoot due to the way your body adjusts to the impact. Another study discovered that your body uses about 4% more energy while running in shoes in comparison with running barefoot. In underdeveloped countries with both shod and unshod feet, comparisons show an increased rate of injuries in the shod foot.


Opponents don't find these studies convincing and declare that these studies were too small or not completed properly. They indicate the truth that the analysis in underdeveloped countries and explain that tells us hardly any about injuries and performance in developed countries.

Those opposing barefoot running achieve this for most reasons. Podiatrists, generally, are a number of the more vocal towards barefoot running. The prevailing concern that for opposition is foot protection. Puncture wounds will be the greatest concern for all those running without the protective shoe gear. Many podiatrists believe that blisters and injury are because of ill-fitting shoes, not absolutely all shoes.

Many argue that since our ancestors did their walking and running barefoot, we have to too. But, the surfaces we walk on today are a lot more rigid and less forgiving compared to the grass, dirt and also stone roads our ancestors walked on. Glass and metal shards are normal on roads and weren't a significant concern a good few century ago.

There will vary forms of feet. Some individuals have high arch feet plus some people have suprisingly low arch feet. Some foot types may adapt well to barefoot running, but it doesn't mean all foot types will. The mechanics of the foot are really complicated. Individuals who overpronate (rotate in) and also have a flexible and flat foot type, typically require a more supportive shoe and sometimes a tailor made orthotic. People with an extremely rigid, high arch foot type, place a significant amount of strain on the beyond their feet and could require a shoe or insert to greatly help even this pressure out. Both these individuals would probably end up getting injuries should they attemptedto run barefoot.

The general rule is that should you aren't having any issues with injuries or performance in your present jogging shoes, don't change anything. If, however, the feet fall somewhere among a higher and a minimal arch and you also have obtained every expensive shoe and insert out there, but continue steadily to get injured, you may consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you want to try, ensure that you gradually work involved with it. Puncture wounds, scraps, cuts and bruises tend if you don't choose your surface wisely. Start grass or perhaps a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach as well as likely to the track. Start gradually and slowly.

A Word About Shoes

An ill-fitting shoe could possibly be the reason behind many lower extremity injuries. A shoe can put your foot at the incorrect angle to your knee and hip, resulting in potential injury. A shoe that's too tight could cause blisters at the toes and toenail problems. A shoe that's too loose can lead to tendonitis or cause blistering at the heel. A shoe that's too flexible may donate to the development of plantar fasciitis (heel and arch pain). An excellent shoe doesn't need to be costly. When buying running shoe, make certain the midsole is supportive. Try this by grabbing the toe area and the heel area and make an effort to bend the shoe in two. If it folds in the center of the shoe, it really is too flexible and can not support the foot. Make certain there is enough space at the toe box. Check the heel counter and make certain the heel counter is stiff enough to carry the heel set up in order to avoid blisters. Most importantly, be sure that the shoe is comfortable. Put them on throughout the house, on the carpet, prior to going out for a run.


There are most likely some individuals who could enhance their performance and decrease their rate of injury by running barefoot. But, before you toss your shoes in the garbage can and leave for a run with naked feet, look at a better fitting shoe. Barefoot running isn't recommended for folks with a higher arch, an extremely low arch, those that overpronate or people that have diabetes. Should you choose opt to give barefoot owning a try, pick the running surface carefully and become alert to puncture wounds.