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Tag: break

Articles tagged as Break

Training For A Marathon

Posted on November 24, 2023 by Cecil Rivas
Running for marathons is becoming a significant rage and you also have professionals and amateurs who start the marathon together.Professional marathon runners have to train effectively and will need to have well-planned training intend to gradually being up their fitness levels to competitive levels.Training is essential for marathons and when you're serious you'll sit back and devise an exercise plan...

Reasons to Consider Making Trail Running Part of Your Routine

Posted on February 18, 2022 by Cecil Rivas
Here are 7 reasons to think about adding path running to your weekly routine.1.Break up the routine.Whenever the notion of heading out for a run feels like a drag, I usually find myself heading out for a trail run.Trail running requires more attention.The obstacles (branches, roots, stones, etc.) require you to focus on the path.No time for mundane thoughts or boredom when you are weaving through the forests...